When Mary Took Throne

Crowned Queen of Scots at merely nine months former; married, crowned Queen Consort of France and widowed all past the time she was 18 years onetime: Mary Stewart'due south life was nothing if not eventful. Get the facts about her tumultuous life and expiry here.


14 November: Battle of Solway Moss

Devastated by his ground forces's defeat by the English at Solway Moss, James V withdrew to Falkland Palace, Fife. He is reported to have laid downward and turned his face to the wall.

8 December: Mary's birth

Mary was born at Linlithgow Palace, to James V, King of Scots, and his French 2nd wife, Mary of Guise. She was the just legitimate child of James to survive him. She was also the great-niece of Henry VIII of England, giving her a claim to the throne.

14 Dec: Expiry of James V

James 5 of Scots died simply half-dozen days later the nascence of his daughter. In reference to the origins of the Royal Stewart Dynasty, James is supposed to have said: 'Information technology began with a lass and information technology volition gang with a lass.'


ane July: The Treaties of Greenwich

These treaties between Scotland and England included a marriage agreement between Mary and Edward, son of Male monarch Henry 8 of England. This was an attempt to gain control of Mary and weaken French influence in Scotland.

9 September: Queen of Scots

Mary was crowned Queen of Scots aged just 9 months. The anniversary was conducted in the Chapel Royal of Stirling Castle past Cardinal David Beaton, Archbishop of St Andrews, Scotland'southward most senior Catholic cleric.

December: The Crude Wooing

The Rough Wooing began when the Earl of Arran renounced the Treaties of Greenwich in December 1543. Henry Eight attacked Scotland to force a marriage betwixt Mary and Edward. The Rough Wooing connected until 1551.


1 March: Murder or Martyrdom?

Alarmed by the back up for the Protestant Reformation, Cardinal Beaton had the Protestant reformer; George Wishart arrested and burnt at the stake. In retaliation Beaton was assassinated by Wishart'southward supporters.


28 Jan: Death of Henry VIII

Henry 8's death left England with a minority regime. The Duke of Somerset acted as regent for Edward Half-dozen and connected the Crude Wooing. On ix September 1547, the Scots were defeated at Little finger, east of Edinburgh. Mary was sent to Inchmahome Priory for safety.


seven July: The Treaty of Haddington

The Treaty of Haddington strengthened Scotland'south links with France. The King of France, Henri II, agreed to provide military support against England, while Mary was promised in marriage to Henri's son, the Dauphin François.

seven August: La petite Royne - the piffling Queen

At the age of 5 Mary was taken to France. Henri II thought her 'the virtually beautiful child he had ever seen', François adored her. Henri'southward married woman, Catherine de Medici resented Mary as she was a Queen, giving her precedence over Catherine's daughters in the royal nursery.


24 April: Marriage to France

Mary and François married in Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on 24 April 1558. She wore a lavishly decorated white gown. With her auburn hair and pale complexion the effect was dazzling, if anarchistic; traditionally white was reserved for royal mourning in France.

17 Nov: Elizabeth I Queen of England

Mary Tudor, England's Catholic queen, died in 1558 and was succeeded by her Protestant half-sister Elizabeth. Mary believed that she had the stronger claim to the English throne. Henri II encouraged Mary to display the Arms of England with those of France and Scotland.


10 July: Queen Consort of France

In April England, French republic and Spain signed the Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis, bringing peace to about of Europe. Henri II was fatally wounded during a jousting tournament in June 1559, held as office of the peace celebrations. François became Male monarch, making Mary Queen Consort of France.


11 June: Death of Mary of Guise

Scotland's Protestant Lords appealed to England for support against the regency of Mary of Guise. She was forced to retreat to Edinburgh Castle, and died there on 11 June. Scotland and England signed the Treaty of Edinburgh, which ended the Auld Alliance.

five December: Death of François

On François' death Mary was insufficient. She wrote: 'My heart keeps watch for one who'southward gone.' Catherine de Medici became regent for her younger son, Charles IX. Corking to secure the position of her own children, Catherine made certain that Mary could not remain in France.


xiv August: Good day to France

Before leaving France, Mary met both Catholic and Protestant delegations from Scotland. She aligned with her Protestant half-brother, Lord James Stewart, who brash her to maintain the religious status quo.

2 September: The Royal Entry to Edinburgh

Mary arrived in Leith on nineteen August 1561 and fabricated her official entry into Edinburgh a few weeks subsequently. She was presented with the keys to the city, a Bible and a volume of Psalms. The celebrations blatantly promoted the Protestant cause and attacked Catholicism.

4 September: Get-go audience with John Knox

Mary summoned the Protestant Reformation leader Knox five times to reply allegations he made against her. During their first audition she accused him of provoking armed defection. He compared her to the tyrant Nero. Mary held her ain till Knox left, and then broke down in tears.


Summer: Heir for England?

Mary believed a confront to face meeting would convince Elizabeth to proper noun her every bit heir. Arrangements were well advanced for that summer but abandoned when England became embroiled in the French Wars of Organized religion. Elizabeth contracted smallpox, delaying a meeting nonetheless further.


Jan: A Spanish matrimony

Mary considered several options for a husband. In 1563, her first choice, Don Carlos, heir to the Spanish throne, failed subsequently he suffered brain damage in a fall downward some stairs.


March: An English husband

Elizabeth I wanted Mary to marry a Protestant and proposed the Earl of Leicester, Robert Dudley. Neither Mary nor Dudley wished the match. Mary declared she had no intention of marrying 'a mere subject field of Elizabeth's'. Dudley proposed Henry, Lord Darnley in his place.


17 February: Henry, Lord Darnley – the correct pick?

Henry Lord Darnley was a Catholic and was descended from both James II of Scots and Henry Vii of England. When Mary met him for the outset time at Wemyss in Fife she thought him 'the lustiest and best proportioned lang (tall) man she had seen'.

29 July: Marriage to Darnley

Mary and Darnley were married in the Chapel Regal of Holyroodhouse. She proclaimed Darnley King of Scots the following twenty-four hour period without the consent of Parliament. The announcement was met with stony silence. But Darnley's father cried 'God save His Grace'.

26 August: The Lords in revolt – the Chaseabout Raid

Opposition to Mary'south marriage arose very rapidly. The Protestant Earl of Moray, fearing that Mary'south wedlock to a Cosmic threatened the Reformation, led an attempt to overthrow both Mary and her King Consort. The episode was more an armed chase than an outright rebellion.


19 June: A son

Mary's son by Darnley, James, was built-in in Edinburgh Castle. By this time, however, her spousal relationship to Darnley had cleaved down: he had plotted against her and even been part of a conspiracy to murder her Catholic secretarial assistant, David Rizzio, in her presence.


10 February: Murder of Darnley

In the early hours of x February 1567, an explosion blew up One-time Provost'south Lodging at Kirk o'Field in Edinburgh, where Darnley was recuperating from illness. Darnley was found dead in the garden, evidently murdered. Mary herself was implicated in the plot, but the prime suspect was James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell.

fifteen May: Marriage of Mary and Bothwell

Bothwell was tried and acquitted of Darnley's murder. His adjacent move was to housebreak Mary on her render to Edinburgh from Stirling, where she had been visiting her son – for the last time, information technology would transpire. It is non known whether Mary was a willing participant in the plot or non, but two weeks later the couple were married, Bothwell having divorced his outset wife but twelve days previously.

24 July: Abdication of Mary, Queen of Scots

Alienated from her closest advisors, Mary's monarchy floundered. After failing to quash a rebellion of Scottish peers, Mary was imprisoned in Loch Leven Castle and forced to abdicate in favour of her 1-year-old son.


2 May: Escape from Loch Leven

With the help of George Douglas, the possessor of Loch Leven, Mary escaped and raised an army to face the forces of the Earl of Moray at the Battle of Langside.16 May: Fleeing ScotlandDefeated at the Battle of Langside, Mary fled from Scotland. She crossed into England convinced her cousin and fellow monarch, Elizabeth I, would aid her regain her throne. Elizabeth withal was unsure how to deal with this unexpected 'guest' and ordered Mary's detention at Carlisle Castle.

Oct: The Conference of York

Elizabeth wanted proof Mary was innocent of Darnley'due south murder before agreeing to a meeting. The Conference of York failed to discover such proof and in February 1569 Mary was taken to Tutbury Castle in Staffordshire, a residence of the Earl of Shrewsbury, who became her jailer for most of the next xv years.


Feb: A life in captivity begins

Mary was held in several secure residences during her captivity, but Shrewsbury was a beneficial jailer. She was permitted a staff of 30 including Scottish nobility, her secretary, physcian, maids, grooms and cooks. She was occasionaly allowed to ride and her failing health was bolstered by spells at Buxton Spa.


The Bond of Clan

There were several failed attempts to free Mary. Determined to prevent more than, Elizabeth I's principal secretary and 'spymaster' Sir Francis Walsingham introduced the Bond of Clan. This fabricated Mary responsible for any plots instigated in her proper noun, whether or not she knew about them, or approved them.


March: James and Elizabeth – a contract of amity

Desperate to exist gratuitous, Mary proposed that she and her son James should dominion Scotland together. However, James had secretly allied himself with Elizabeth without Mary's noesis. In March 1585 he officially renounced his female parent'due south proposal, leaving her devastated.

April: A new jailor

In April Mary was transfered to the custody of Sir Amyas Paulet. He detested her and revoked many of the privileges Shrewsbury had allowed her.


The Babington Plot

Mary was secretly corresponding with supporters, unaware that Walsingham's agents were intercepting her messages. This allowed them to trick her into agreeing to a plot proposed by Anthony Babington, to assassinate Elizabeth I and make Mary Queen of England. This sealed Mary's fate.  She was moved to Fotheringhay Castle in September.

xv October: Tried for treason

Mary was tried for treason at Fotheringhay Castle, Northampton where she was she remained in captivity until her execution.


eight February: Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots

Mary was 44 years old and had spent 19 years in captivity. Deposed by her country, abandoned by her son, all she had left was her organized religion. Those present at her execution spoke of her swell backbone and dignity.


Source: https://www.nms.ac.uk/explore-our-collections/stories/scottish-history-and-archaeology/mary-queen-of-scots/mary-queen-of-scots/life-and-deathline-of-mary-queen-of-scots/

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